Thursday, October 1, 2015

How an Online Photography Course Broadened My Vision

Last month, I took a wonderful photography e-course given by Tammy Strobel of Rowdy Kittens.  I’d been following her blog for several years, and had watched her photography grow.  Every time, she would offer her course, I would tell myself, “maybe next time.”  So, when she made the announcement this would be the last opportunity to take her online photography class, I wasn’t about to pass it up.

Twice a week, Tammy posted instructions and a video for us.  She set up a private Facebook group for us to share our work.  I was surprised to learn many of the members had taken Tammy’s course three and four times.  No wonder their work was so amazing!  Even though the course has finished, we still gather there to share and comment.  Many of us have connected outside of the group to Flickr and Instagram.

Towards the end of the class, I wasn’t able to venture away from the house, much.   The usual things I had been photographing were looking rather unappealing.   The Mums were getting to be  “old hat” in my photos, as well as other things.  Then, one day, I was in the kitchen and happened to glance at a bowl of fresh peaches.  Ding!

I grabbed a few, ran outside, and placed them on our old picnic table by the
“old hat” Mums.   At first, I wasn’t sure.  It didn’t seem like enough to make a good photo, until I considered throwing a couple of leaves with them.  After a little placement adjusting, it was perfect.  And, rather than take my photo from the usual perspective, I stood above it.

Once I uploaded the photo, it became obvious that it needed something more – a quote.  It took a little bit of time; but, once I found one, the whole thing came together, perfectly.   Tammy had talked about grouping, but for some reason, I seemed to have forgotten about that. 

Grouping things in a creative manner has more pizzazz, more power to the end product.  Individually, each has its own beauty, yes.  Combined?  It becomes a small symphony: each one playing in harmony with the next.  Likewise, had it not been for this wonderful group of photographers, it would have taken me much longer to move to the next level of self-awareness and confidence (if ever at all).  And, had it not been for the constant encouragement of my writing group, I wouldn’t have completed this post.

More than ever, I find myself searching for something to photograph. Taking Tammy’s course has spurned me to take what I know and go a little further with it.  That’s why I’ve decided to take another online photography course in a couple of weeks. 

Joy Sussman specializes in nature photography.  She was one of the gals in our photography group.  Her work is stunning.  You can find her writing at JoyfullyGreen.   I can’t wait to learn from her and share more of my photos with you.

Isn't it interesting how a small group of people can help build one's confidence enough to think you can do just about anything? That's what they did for me.  Now, I'm considering making cards with some of my photographs.  I'm even thinking about creating a book from my photos for my 5 year old grandson who's just learning to read.  I get pretty excited about that.

I think I'm on a roll.

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